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What Can Go Wrong The Morning Of Your Wedding? MMW 145


Are you stressing about what can potentially go wrong the day of your wedding? Worried about the future when it's actually completely out of your control?

Such a normal worry to have for those planning a wedding. And, to be brutally honest anything and everything can go wrong. But will it? Probably not.

So, in this episode we cover the 6 most common things that could potentially occur the day of your wedding and how to overcome them.

We discuss:
1. The vendor not showing and how to stop this happening
2. The venue calling you to say something has changed and how you can handle it
3. Why people being sick doesn't effect you if it's not your partner
4. How to get around running late if other's hold things up
5. Why not eating enough or drinking enough water will have an awful outcome
6. What do do if the weather doesn't go your way

Once you have listened to this advice, you will be well prepared for things if they do actually go wrong on the day and you will know how to handle it gracefully.


Recommended Episodes:

Episode 82 - Friends And Family As Wedding Suppliers


Episode 10 - Think You Don't Need A Wet Weather Plan | Think Again


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AT THE BEEP - the audio guest book for weddings and parties.
You can find all the information for At The Beep at:


Your Have-It-All Dream Wedding Workshop is available for replay HERE!
I have over 20 years of wedding planning experience and if you are a bride-to-be who wants to feel calm and like everything is sorted on your wedding day then this workshop will give you my proven step-by-step calm bride method so you can save hours of your time and money and stay calm in the process.

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