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Wedding venues | essential information for seamless celebrations Part 2 MMW 93

Don’t want to be the go to person on your wedding day? Here’s what to do.

This is the second part of a two part series on what to handover to your wedding venue in the week before your wedding.

If you haven’t listened to episode 92, I recommend starting there, it will stop you running around in a hot mess the week before your wedding. 

You’d be forgiven for thinking you spend more time talking with your venue than you do your partner when you’re planning your wedding, right? When you spend months liaising with your wedding venue you’d think you’d be able to read each other’s minds. But they can’t.

A reputable venue will move heaven and earth to make your wedding exactly as you want it to be - but if you really want your wedding to be smooth, stress free and floaty, I’ve got the good oil on what information your venue needs to know so they don’t spend all day and night tapping you on the shoulder.

Honestly, this info is not difficult, but it will make all the difference to your day.

Get your pens and papers out because you’ll want this list.

Your planning resources:

Recommended Podcast - Episode 92 Things to take to your venue the week before the wedding

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If you don’t have access to the App, you can access The Wedding Essentials Toolkit.

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