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Should The Bride Do A Speech MMW 142

Are you wondering if you should give a speech on your wedding day? 

It's quite common for the Bride to also give a speech on the wedding day. But, that does not mean you have to give a speech if you are feeling completely torn about the idea. For some of you, the thought of a speech just freaks you out but you also feel pressured to have to do one.

For others, it's a no brainer and you can't wait to take the mic.

In this episode I am going to discuss:

  • Why you should or shouldn't do a speech
  • How long the speech should be
  • What you should say if you do decide to speak
  • How to show up as authentically you and not someone who's trying to be funny

Lastly, I will cover the alternatives to doing a speech if you don't want to do one.


Recommended Episodes:

Episode 78 - Wedding Speeches, Everything You Need To Know

Episode 40 - Six Steps To MC Success


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I have over 20 years of wedding planning experience and if you are a bride-to-be who wants to feel calm and like everything is sorted on your wedding day then this workshop will give you my proven step-by-step calm bride method so you can save hours of your time and money and stay calm in the process.

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