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RSVP Please. What to do when guests don't RSVP. MMW 84

Half your guests won’t RSVP. Even when you remind them with a RSVP Please.

It’s rude, right? It doesn’t mean your guests don’t love you or won’t be coming, it’s life. We’re all busy, but as a couple planning their wedding it’s annoying and brings many tasks to a screeching halt. 

It means you can’t

  • Finalise your numbers with caterers and other suppliers

  • Sign off on your seating plan

  • Print your place cards

Today I’m showing you how to get your RSVPs in order and your wedding planning back on track. Because you deserve the most special day in the world.

Your planning resources:

New: Pre-wedding Celebration Guide - get the “almost there” vibe on.

Manage My Wedding App - the #1 Apple wedding planning app and I’ve got even more features coming soon. 

If you don’t have access to the App, you can access The Wedding Essentials Toolkit.

Your links:

Manage My Wedding App 

Toolkits and checklists 

Manage My Wedding Store 




Recommended Podcasts:

Episode 52: You’re invited! All things wedding invites

Episode 65: Managing the last month


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