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Alcohol and Disappointed Wedding Guests MMW 138



When is there too much alcohol and too little at a wedding? Or are the wrong drinks offered?

Guests not enjoying the alcohol or scavenging around trying to find a drink is not a good experience and it is also something guests will always remember and talk about.

They don’t often talk about how great the service was. I mean they might for like 24 hours after the wedding or when they tell the bride and groom how great it was. But, it’s the complaining they will always remember and talk about forever.

So here are my pointers for alcohol.

1. You do not need to offer every single drink under the sun. Guests don’t appreciate it or care. This includes spirits.

2. You only need 1 white, 1 red, 1 sparkling and a couple of beers. Guests get confused and don’t appreciate it.

3. You do need to make them the most popular so like a  Sauvignon Blanc in white wine. Talk to the venue as they will recommend the most popular and all venues offer something different.

4. You don’t need to have a TAB for spirits if you have a drinks package. You might like to just do it for your bridal party or parents or you and your partner. Guests can and will pay for their spirits if they want them. Guests know this is protocol.

5. If you have a drinks package and you have extended the finish time then you can let guests pay cash for their drinks at the end. If you are doing a TAB do that last after the drinks package. Then do cash. This is then less confusing and flows better.

6. It’s ok to NOT have drinks for the final 30 minutes. They will usually still have one in their hand or have had enough.

7. There should always be drinks poured and ready on arrival. This makes a great first impression.

At the end of the day the guests are only expecting basic so you only need that and if you are on a tight budget then just have the first couple of hours of supplied alcohol and then have cash after that. This is especially a good option if you are worried because they are big drinkers.

If you are known for something like vodka and you really wanted to show that as everyone knows that about the 2 of you and you don’t have the budget then just have 1 special vodka drink on arrival or have a guest favour that’s about vodka. Doing this creates a surprise and delight and gets guests talking about your wedding.

If you have any other pressing questions then please come and chat with my on IG @managemywedding


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